The company address:
KPK spol. s r.o.
Kollárova 75
036 01 Martin



Address for sending invoices by email:

Receiving location
Type of shipmentWorking timeContact person
No. 1Letter shipments7 : 00 - 15 : 30

the secretariat department

tel. +421 43 422 11 33

No. 2Metallurgical semi-products, sheets7 : 00 - 14 : 00

Ing. Martin Krška

mob. +421 911 220 862


Branislav Schudich

mob. +421 911 234 303

No. 3Other goods7 : 00 - 14 : 00

Ing. Martin Krška

mob. +421 911 220 862


Branislav Schudich

mob. +421 911 234 303